Sexy Marketing Using Sex Appeal

The simplest answer as to why advertisers use sex in marketing is: it works. There is something inherently appealing about the human form that attracts us. Sexualized ads and seductive web copy make us curious, grab our attention, and catch our interest. Smart marketers use that sex appeal to their advantage, especially in this era of instant gratification where most of us have the attention span of a squirrel. Provocative images for business marketing tend to be used in one of three contexts: Products and Services That Are Not Sexual The first is in a teasing, but often confusing, way. Sexuality is used to promote a product that has no actual relation to anything sexual.
  • Soft drink companies use supermodels to stand suggestively sipping their soda
  • Car manufacturers put an attractive man with a seductive voice behind the wheel
  • A web hosting company shows an unlikely pair kissing
These kinds of commercials and ads make us take a second look because we aren’t sure what we are seeing or what it’s related to. They force us to pay attention, to see the brand. When done well, we tend to remember it. Product or Services Related to the Human Body The second is in a supporting role, where it makes some sense to tap into sex appeal because the product is related to the body in some way.
  • A woman seductively glossing her lips with the latest trendy color shade
  • A man spraying his bare torso with a cologne or body spray
  • Models showing off lingerie
This type of marketing is usually done in a way that makes us believe we’ll have similar results as the models if we use the products. Sexual Products and Services Finally, if you’re advertising a product or service that actually IS sexual, then it would be odd not to use sex in some way to promote the product. Products in this category include:
  • Erectile dysfunction medication
  • Erotic romance novel
  • Birth control products like condoms
And with the “no filter” age we are a part of, we just expect this and it does make sense. But to stand out from the competition the ads can be racy. Sex Appeal in Marketing Can Go Wrong! Sex appeal in marketing does have to be used carefully, though. A couple of instances where it goes wrong:
  • When an ad is too provocative to the point of making people uncomfortable, we tend to tune out
  • If the marketing is so unrelated to the product or so focused on the sex appeal, we miss what the actual product being advertised is
One thing about using sex appeal in marketing, no matter what the category of ad or product, is that it taps into our insecurities, plays on our fantasies, makes us believe that if we drink that particular beer we’ll get the hot girl, or if we wear those jeans heads will turn. And yes, for the most part, we are that susceptible to the tactics!

3 IT Marketing Tips From Beauty And The Beast

image source: httpss://   Can you believe that Beauty and the Beast was released in 1991?   That’s a whopping 23 years ago, and the movie is still widely known today for its catchy music, intriguing storyline, and unique characters.   … But what you may not realize is that several marketing tips can be learned from those traits.   Here are a few of my favorite IT marketing tips:    

IT Marketing Tips #1: Do Something Unconventional

  Let’s face it: Belle is a weirdo.   There’s no one else like her. She’s unique. She stands out… To the point that virtually everyone in her town knows her by name.   But wait. Isn’t that what YOU want for your company? Everyone to know it by name?   Of course, it is. Just like Belle, to get to that point, you HAVE to stand out. You won’t get any recognition for being just like everyone else.   You know what I mean – the typical boring IT website. With a dull list of services. And a boring logo.   Just plain boring.   Take some risks with your marketing. It IT, even a small marketing risk is substantial because there are so few IT companies doing it. So go ahead and take advantage of that fact!    

IT Marketing Tips #2: Stay Curious

  Another thing about Belle: she’s passionately curious!   She’s SO curious, in fact, that she always seems to have her nose in a book. She thrives when she’s learning and reading. She is her own person and is very confident and unashamed about her unmistakable nerdiness.   You should be as curious as Belle. As a business owner trying to market to a particular audience, you need to make a point to stay curious about that audience. What are their needs? Are those needs changing?   Not only should you stay curious about your audience – you need always to continue questioning your marketing in general. Best practices changed based on how people respond, so do your research and don’t be afraid to try out a new theory!    

IT Marketing Tips #3: Keep Your Sense Of Humor

  Enough about Belle. Let’s talk about a different character: Lumière.   If you think about it, he’s actually in a pretty messed up situation. He’s been turned into a candlestick, and it someone ELSE’S fault. (Remember, the man who eventually turned into the Beast got all of his servants turned into household objects when he was cursed due to his unkindness and unwillingness to help a beggar woman)   Pretty dark, right?   But, in spite of his situation, Lumière keeps his sense of humor. He’s got a big personality. He doesn’t focus on the negative.   When you’re marketing your company, it’s so important to keep your sense of humor too, just like Lumière. You should inject it into your marketing materials if at all possible – don’t be afraid to give it a try!   Showing your personality will help you attract the RIGHT clients. The ones you WANT to work with… not the ones you HAVE to work with.   Plus, you’ll attract more people in general. Everyone wants to work with someone they find relatable. You won’t come across as relatable with technical, robot-like website content.     Can you think of any other IT marketing tips that can be learned from Beauty and the Beast? Let us know in the comments below!        

Business Technology Predictions for 2015

Companies can no longer refuse to keep up with current technology trends and demands. We live in an in-demand, virtual world, and a business’s effort accommodate change will be the difference between success and distress.   The business technology predictions for 2015 affect both the in-demand consumer and business competing for a little face time. Here’s what’s probably going to happen this coming year:  
  • There better be an app for that
Any company who wants to be seen needs to have an app, or a mobile responsive website. Consumers are not as willing to sit down and surf the internet for goods and services; they will scroll and tap instead.  
  • Less software, more cloud
Laptops, mobile devices and smartphones are replacing desktops. Out with the desktop and its software, and in with remote connectivity and virtual data storage. Consumers and businesses are all saving online and demanding cloud-based apps. Users want to be connected at all times, from any location, and with any device they choose to use at any given moment. Frustration with software and document compatibility issues will drive more and more consumers and businesses to the cloud, not another software download.  
  • More streaming
Consumers and businesses are using more data than ever before. Entertainment, education and productivity are now streamed on various mobile devices, not televisions or desktops. Many internet connections and business sites are not equipped to handle the rapid growth of streaming traffic, which includes HD, 3D, interactive media and music.  
  • Virtual IT
IT staffs are being assisted by virtual IT departments. More businesses are embracing inexpensive virtual IT solutions for 24/7 monitoring, data backup, software upgrades, security, and business continuity, to allow their in-house IT teams to focus on improving efficiency and the user experience.  
  • Comprehensive privacy authentication
The data breaches of 2014 scared a majority of US consumers. No one feels their privacy is truly protected and their financial information is cared for properly. More businesses are using two-step authentication systems to ensure safety and reclaim consumer confidence.  
  • Collaborative software
Consumers, employees and business owners are getting more done in different places, with many devices, and with less time. They need software and services that can keep up. Remote access, and the expectation of, will soar in 2015. Collaboration will be done from home, coffee shops, airplanes, and other countries, not the boardroom.  
  • More internet and screen time
We are an internet society, and consumers expect internet access with their internet-enabled devices. Consumers want smarter devices to make work, school and home easier. Devices will become a part of every moment of the day, from operating the coffee pot in the morning to shutting off the television at night.     What do you think the business technology trends for 2015 will be? Share in the comments below!  

How To Write Ridiculously Seductive Web Copy That Will Get YOU More Business

Think for a second. Do people find your website stimulating? …Or does your copy put them to sleep?   Do your words leave your readers wanting more? …Or do you turn them off as soon as they arrive?  

 Alright. Let’s go ahead and assume your potential customers AREN’T excited about your web copy.

What are you going to do to fix it? Well, reading this post is a good first step. Here are a few copywriting tips to help you whip your words into shape, seduce your readers, and win more business.  

 Ditch What You Learned In English Class (…Kind of.)

 Remember that English teacher you hated so much? That teacher who would assign you a 20-page essay due in two days and not think twice about it? The one who would pick out EVERY single minor thing wrong with your writing and put a big red “X” over it? Yeah. THAT teacher. This is your chance to disregard all of those DUMB RULES that got you in so much trouble. (Okay… not ALL of them. You still need to check your spelling and some of the most basic rules… But you CAN ignore a LOT of them!) When you’re writing copy, you don’t NEED all the stuffy grammar rules. You don’t need complete sentences. You can use contractions as much as you want without fearing that your cranky English teacher is going to smack you on the wrist with a wooden ruler. Know what else? You can use one-sentence paragraphs. Like this. Know why it’s okay? Because that’s how you talk. In short spurts. Which brings me to my next point…

Be Conversational

 Write how you talk. It’s really that simple. Seriously. …Imagine how weird it would be to hear this in a conversation: “I strategically leverage my best-in-class communication solution to contribute synergy to our enterprise-level organization.” Whoa… No. Let’s look at something that sounds a whole lot better and ACTUALLY makes sense! “I use my phone to communicate at work.” Ta-da! You see, the first example has several problems:
  • It reads like it aims to make the writer look smarter, when it SHOULD aim to make the reader understand quickly and easily.
  • It uses business jargon.
  • It’s just plain confusing.
The second example is much better:
  • It’s easy to understand.
  • It uses plain language – when writing, you don’t need to use fancy synonyms that confuse people.
  • It doesn’t include any business jargon.
The point is this: Your web copy needs to be easy to digest. Otherwise, people will leave the SECOND they land on your website. And they’ll NEVER come back.

Focus On Your Reader

If your reader wants to learn all about YOU, they’ll visit your “About Us” page. So don’t waste valuable space on your home page talking about all of your latest and greatest accomplishments. Sure – it may be good to include a little of that stuff. But not TOO much. After all, your only website visitors want to know one thing: “What’s in it for ME?” Knowing that, it’s easy to understand why you shouldn’t ONLY talk about yourself. So, make sure your web copy uses the word “YOU” whenever possible. Show your reader how you can solve their problems. Show them why they should be attracted to you. After all, that’s what the art of seduction is all about! Or, you know… you can just ignore these tips and forget about your website getting any action. The choice is yours.  

4 Reasons Business Credit Cards Could Make Tax Preparation Easier

As the year winds down, many business owners start dreading tax preparation. If you haven’t kept up with your financial record keeping, tax time can quickly become a nightmare! Make a plan now to make your business tax preparation easier for the New Year. An easy way to simplify record keeping is to use a business credit card. The trick is to use a single card for all of your expenses. Here are four reasons a business credit card can make business finances easier to manage:
  1. Financial Statements Created For You

Most business credit cards provide quarterly and/or annual reports that categorize your spending. If you use a credit card for all business-related purchases and expenses your tax preparation will be simple! You won’t have to search through boxes for receipts. Everything you need will be on a printout provided by your credit card company. Some business credit cards will even give you access to generate customized reports. You can create a list of payments to a specific vendor or see payments made during a certain time period. Print your statements and hand them to the accountant!
  1. Keep Business and Personal Finances Separate

With a credit card designated for business use only, it’s simple to keep your personal finances separate. When the statement comes, you already know everything is business related.
  1. Business Credit Cards Manage Employee Spending

If your employees make payments or buy supplies for the company, add them as authorized users to your account. They’ll get their own card with their name on it. Your credit card statements and annual reports will separate spending by the employee so you can see at a glance who is spending what. You can even set monthly spending limits per card.
  1. Earn Rewards and Benefits

Choose a business credit card with a rewards program. This way, you’ll earn cash back, travel rewards, or merchandise in exchange for paying for things you need anyway. It’s a benefit you just don’t have when you pay with cash or check!   Reduce your financial recordkeeping struggles with a business credit card. Make your card payments within the grace period, and it’s the same as paying with cash, but with many more benefits that cash doesn’t provide.

4 Business Lessons We Can Learn from the Pilgrims

The Pilgrims didn’t have access to the technology we have today, but they were among the world’s first entrepreneurs. We can learn valuable business lessons from their experiences. Here are 4 business lessons from the Pilgrims we can implement in our own businesses:  

Lesson #1: Be prepared to sacrifice and stick to it

Pilgrims regularly made sacrifices to survive. They gave up their homes to get on a ship with just about nothing and took off for the New World. They had no idea if they would make it, or what they would discover when they got there – but they were willing to make sacrifices and be persistent to achieve their goal. They believed in what they were doing and put 100% into the journey, surviving harsh winters and long famines. If they gave into their struggles, they would have all died on the way. Business owners and entrepreneurs must make sacrifices and remain persistent. This is one of the most important business lessons to learn. In the beginning, we probably sacrifice full-time salaries, sleep, and quality time with our families as we focus on growing our empire. If we are persistent and believe in what we are doing – success will follow. If we give up the first time our business faces a challenge, we’ll end up seeking employment in someone else’s business.

Lesson #2: Take risks

Clearly, the Pilgrims took risks! When they set sail in the ocean, they were risking their lives. Business owners don’t have to take risks quite that great, but every newly started business has significant risks. Many entrepreneurs quit full-time jobs and leave behind a comfortable salary and health benefits to start their new ventures. Some business owners hire family and friends to save money, putting personal relationships at risk if it doesn’t work out. If the Pilgrims were too afraid to take risks, they would have never traveled to the New World in the first place. If you are afraid to take risks in business – you will never succeed as a business owner.

Lesson #3: Go with the flow and change

The Pilgrims were planning to end up near the Hudson River in Virginia. Storms and rough waters took them off their intended course, and the Pilgrims arrived near Cape Cod. They went with the flow and were flexible to the situation. As a business owner, you must be flexible. Set goals, but understand you might have to change direction from your original plan in order to meet them. If one marketing method isn’t working, you may have to try something different. You can’t be afraid of change.

Lesson #4: Find partners and get help

If the Pilgrims attempted their journey on their own as individuals, they would have never made it. They survived because they partnered with each other to help one another and because they formed a partnership with the Native Americans. No one can do everything themselves. Business owners tend to find ways to “beat” their competition instead of finding ways to partner or co-exist with them. If you struggle with marketing – partner with MSP Marketing experts like Tridigital. If you can’t keep track of your business finances – get a bookkeeper and an accountant. You can’t do it all alone and the more you attempt to do yourself, the less you will actually accomplish.

Our Top 3 Takeaways / SEO Tips from State of Search 2014

Recently, we went to a local SEO conference: State of Search 2014.

Here are our top 3 takeaways / SEO Tips:

 #1 Google is NOT Your friend. Google’s purpose is to provide users with the best search results possible. So Google is the user’s friend, not yours. It may be tempting to try and game the system, figure it out, and try SEO tactics like keyword stuffing to get a higher Google ranking, but you shouldn’t waste your time doing so. Google changes all of the time to avoid allowing those types of tactics to become effective. #2 Write GOOD Content While this may seem obvious, it’s a rule that a lot of websites clearly don’t follow. It might be tempting to stuff your content with SEO keywords, but remember: site visits do NOT equal conversions. And you DO want conversions, right? Of course you do. Well, guess what? The best way for you to get those conversions is by writing compelling, persuasive copy. Think about it – if YOU landed on a website with poorly written content and a distractingly ridiculous amount of keywords, would you want to work with that company? Probably not. So, start focusing more on creating personable, strategic copy that will make the users who DO land on your website convert. #3 Citation is important. Consider all of the places online where your business information (address, phone number, hours of operation) is listed. Is the information consistent, regardless of where it is found (Yelp, Facebook, your company website, etc.)? If the answer is no, then you should work on fixing that issue immediately. If your contact info varies, potential customers could become confused – you could even lose their business. For example, if you have the incorrect hours of operation posted on your website but the correct hours of operation posted on Facebook, then everyone who got your hours of operation from your website will be misinformed! So, they could show up at your business when you are closed, causing them to become frustrated and less likely to want to do business with you in the future. Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to SEO success!  

9 Inspiring Ads That Work and Why They’re So Effective

Ever seen an advertisement that REALLY made you stop and think? Well, behind those inspiring ads are hours of planning, idea generating, and creative thinking. Coming up with great aren’t as simple as plastering your product everywhere and hoping people will catch on. You’ve got to get inside the heads of everyone in your target market. You’ve got to grab their emotions so tightly that they’ve got no choice other than to do exactly what you want them to do. Here are a few great ads that do just that:   #1 Save The Children   TrashCanAd   …Powerful stuff, right? I mean, I don’t know about you. But if I saw this ad while tossing out my leftover food, I’d probably think “Wow. I’m pretty fortunate. DEFINITELY fortunate enough to donate a few dollars to Save The Children.” So, yeah. This ad uses emotional appeal to get people to donate pretty well.     #2 Gillette   Gillette Ad   This is a really cool ad. I mean, if you were sitting at a hockey game, this is something you would definitely notice. And that’s why it works so well. It’s something that catches your eye and, when it DOES catch your eye, you want to tell people about it. And, when you tell people about it, Gillette gets their advertising. Pretty clever!     #3 Save The Children (…again)  Save-the-Children-India-Employee-of-the-Month Okay… clearly, whoever is coming up with these brilliant ads at Save The Children knows what they’re doing. This is another emotion-invoking one. It uses something that we’re all familiar with – Employee of the Month boards – to illustrate a huge issue: child labor.     #4 Budweiser   budweiser ads   Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably saw the recent “Break The Internet” Paper magazine cover featuring an oiled-up Kim Kardashian’s backside. Of course, the photo ended up inspiring lots of ads and spoofs, and this Budweiser ad is one of them. Budweiser used something very relevant in pop culture to draw attention to their products. Everyone’s talking about Kim Kardashian right now, so they used that to their advantage to get everyone talking about Budweiser.     #5 Livegreen  livegreen toronto This ad uses litter to call people names. And it works. It’s a good combination of doing something shocking enough to get people talking and doing something emotion-invoking enough to inspire people to do better.     #6 Simonis  shinglesad This roofing company uses shock value and humor. Why? To make them stand out. To make them memorable in the minds of potential customers. Think about it – when is the last time you saw a roofing company do any kind of marketing this awesome? Probably never. Lots of companies that do “boring” work fall into the trap of thinking their marketing needs to be “boring” too. But that isn’t the case. Boring doesn’t stand out, but THIS ad does. That’s why it works!     #7 Frontline  FrontLine   Well, this is ONE way to show people what it’s like when dogs get fleas… Gross. And also probably pretty annoying for that poor Golden Retriever. I mean, I have two dogs, and just seeing a photo of this ad makes me think about how awful it would be if they had fleas. So imagine if I’d actually leaned over this balcony and seen the ad in person. I’d probably have grabbed whoever I was with and been like, “Whoa, you HAVE to come see this!” It’s another one of those images that gets people talking because it’s so creative. And that’s why it works.     #8 Seatbelt Billboard belt-up   Yet again, here’s an ad that’s successful because it’s creative and eye-catching. I mean, you’d definitely NOTICE this if you saw it while driving around. Whoever created the ad knew that. The ad also uses fear (if you don’t buckle up, you could be thrown from your car) to get people to do something: buckle up. Pretty effective, if you ask me.     #9 PurpleFeather   I saved the best for last. And yes, I’m definitely biased because I’m a copywriter. But you have to admit, this is pretty amazing. In the video (which went viral), the writing company clearly shows how good copy gets results.   Have you seen any other inspiring ads lately? Let us know in the comments below.

The Disney Movie Guide To Successful Marketing

Who doesn’t love a good Disney movie? I know I do. They’re filled with inspiring characters and compelling stories. Not only that – you can learn a thing or two about marketing from some of your favorite Disney characters. Check it out:   Finding Nemo Venture Into The Unknown Marlin from Finding Nemo is pretty much the opposite of the kind of person you’d think would venture into the unknown. He’s anxious. He’s careful. He’s not a big fan of innovation and change. But when he loses his son, Nemo, he HAS to change. He HAS to venture out. Otherwise, his son could be lost forever. If you don’t like change, try to suck it up and adapt anyway, like Marlin. You need to be fearless when it comes to changing your marketing, or your business could fail. After all, new business applications and marketing trends pop up constantly – don’t let your fear of innovation hold you back from reaching business success!   Aladdin Be True to Yourself Aladdin spends a lot of time thinking he needs to change who he is to impress Jasmine and win her over. But boy, is he wrong! He gets in a lot of trouble with Jasmine when she finds out about his dishonesty. The whole time, she just wanted him to be himself. You need to be yourself when it comes to your marketing. So, go ahead and try to get comfortable with the fact that not everyone is going to like you. And that’s OKAY! If someone doesn’t like you, then you probably don’t want to work with that person anyway. And, by building a strong brand and being true to yourself, you’ll get more loyal clients – people who really love who you are and what you do!   Tangled Take Risks  Rapunzel wants to leave the tower she’s been held captive in more than anything. However, she can’t ever seem to catch a break. Mother Gothel won’t let her leave at all. She’s trapped. What she wants is out of reach. So she takes a huge risk to get herself where she needs to be. She leaves against Mother Gothel’s wishes. Although this choice causes her a few immediate problems, it ends up totally transforming her life for the better in the long run. Risk-taking can be pretty scary when you’re a business owner. You’ve worked hard to get where you are now, and the last thing you want to do is lose everything. But, understand that you DO need to take risks sometimes, especially when it comes to your marketing. Dare to be different. If your marketing is just like everyone else’s, what’s going to make you stand out? Let me answer that for you: Nothing. So, go ahead – take a risk!   Beauty and the Beast Do Your Research Belle can’t keep her nose out of a book for long. She’s always learning new things, and thinks for herself. She’s an intellectual woman and isn’t big on caring what others think about her. If you’re trying to market your business in the best way possible, you need to be like Belle. Spend a lot of time researching what works and what doesn’t. Try some A/B testing on your email campaigns. Test a few different types of call-to-actions on your website. And remember, you should be excited to learn about this stuff! After all, with the right marketing, you can make a lot of money. And who doesn’t want THAT?   Can you think of any other Disney movies that offer marketing lessons? Let us know in the comments below.  

Writing for the Web to Get Leads

Think about how you use the internet. Do you read a page from top to bottom, left to right, the way you would a book? Probably not. Writing for the web requires a different strategy. Most people are looking for specific information when they’re surfing the ‘net. They have no interest in reading long pages of content, no matter how great your writing is. As a business owner looking to get leads from the internet, you need content that your prospective customers will find. What you don’t need is Pulitzer Prize winning writing. It’s just not the way to attract prospective customers online. Here are some tips for writing for web readers that will help you get leads from the internet:

Make the Headline Something Special

Internet users have the attention span of a two year old child. You have about six seconds before they click on the next shiny thing. If your headline catches their eye, they’ll scan the rest of your page.

Use “Special Effects” in your Text

Things like headlines and bullet lists will jump off the screen at internet readers like a 3D movie effect. They see the headlines and notice the short bullet lists even if they don’t read anything else on the page.

Simple Content is More Effective than Witty Content

Keep your information short and to the point for the best results. Your web visitors aren’t going to take the time to decipher your jokes to find out if you have what they’re looking for.

Get to (and Stick to) the Point

Put keywords in your title and in the headlines. Put the most important stuff at the top of your page.   The internet is one way to get leads for your business. If you learn to write content for the way people use the web, you’ll increase the number of leads you get from your website.